Jadeonar on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jadeonar/art/The-Mandalorian-Gentleman-Vigilante-286102921Jadeonar

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The Mandalorian Gentleman Vigilante



The Mandalorian known as the "Gentleman Vigilante" is something of a mystery. On a mostly lawless planet governed by unscrupulous rivaling Land Barons he's made something of a reputation for himself; becoming toted as a local "Hero of the people." Always the gentleman with a flair for dashing daring bravado. Always showing up on the scene from out of nowheres like some character straight out of a holo-novel, often before the local Sector Ranger. Always taking matters of the law into his own hands; he'll settle civil disputes, thwart swoop gangs, or other questionable matters. Sometimes delivering outright vigilante brand of hard but fair justice, much to the Sector Ranger's disapproval. As quickly as the Gentleman Vigilante arrives, he exits the scene, with a salute or tilt of his helmet before rocketing into the air.

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